English Review
"Dawning" takes place at a Northern Minnesota lake cabin where a brother and sister visit their father and step-mom. As the first night unfolds with uncomfortable small-talk and tension, tragedy strikes as the beloved family dog is found mortally wounded. Almost immediately a stranger, potentially under the spell of some un-seen "presence", appears in the cabin and tells the family that he has come to save them...but from what? The man's arrival upsets what at best was only a tentative balance and the pretense at civility begins to crumble. Soon, their lack of trust in each other and their inability to cope with any new pressure exposes their weaknesses and what the stranger has started, whatever is waiting in the dark may finish.
Sinopsis Indonesia
"Dawning" berlangsung di sebuah pondok danau Minnesota Utara di mana adik dan kakak mengunjungi ayah mereka dan langkah-ibu. Seperti malam pertama terungkap dengan bicara tidak nyaman kecil dan ketegangan, pemogokan tragedi sebagai anjing keluarga tercinta ditemukan terluka parah. Hampir segera orang asing, berpotensi di bawah mantra dari beberapa "kehadiran " yang tidak terlihat, muncul di kabin dan memberitahu keluarga bahwa ia telah datang untuk menyelamatkan mereka ... tapi dari apa? Gangguan kedatangan pria itu yang terbaik hanya keseimbangan tentatif dan berpura-pura di kesopanan mulai runtuh. Segera, kurangnya kepercayaan pada satu sama lain dan ketidakmampuan mereka untuk menghadapi setiap tekanan baru memperlihatkan kelemahan mereka dan apa yang orang asing itu telah dimulai, apa pun yang menunggu di gelap dapat selesai.
Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1530660/
Release Date: 4 March 2011
Genre: Drama | Horror | Thriller
Cast: David Coral, Jonas Goslow and Christine Kellogg-Darrin
Quality: DVDScr
Source: DVDSCR XviD AC3-SiC
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)
Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1530660/
Release Date: 4 March 2011
Genre: Drama | Horror | Thriller
Cast: David Coral, Jonas Goslow and Christine Kellogg-Darrin
Quality: DVDScr
Source: DVDSCR XviD AC3-SiC
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)